


















  1. ネガティブな言葉に気づく: 自分が使っているネガティブなセルフトークを認識します。
  2. ポジティブな言葉に置き換える: ネガティブなセルフトークをポジティブなものに意識的に書き換えます。「できない」を「できる」に、「無理だ」を「やってみよう」に変えます。
  3. 毎日練習する: ポジティブなセルフトークを習慣にし、ブリーフシステムと臨場感をポジティブに保ちましょう。

After my last post, this website suddenly broke down. I lost all 600 articles. I was really shocked, but with the help of an expert, I was able to recover everything.

Today, as planned, I will talk about how to strengthen the feeling of yourself moving toward your goal. But before that, it’s important to understand what “feeling” (or “sense of reality”) means.

I’m sure you’re probably scrolling this text on your computer or smartphone now. This may seem like a simple “action,” but something deeper is happening. The information you see with your eyes is processed in your brain and recreated in your mind. This recreated information is what we feel as “reality.”

In other words, this feeling of reality is information in your brain and mind. And this information affects how we experience the world.

For example, I am sitting at a desk in the library writing this. This desk works as a place to put papers and other items. But if I used this desk as fuel, the information would change from “desk” to “fuel.” Just like that, our sense of reality can change based on the situation.

Also, this “world of information” is different for everyone. The way we see things depends on our environment and experiences. In coaching, we call this way of thinking the “belief system.”

The belief system is made up of words, images, and feelings, and words are especially powerful. Words can create images and feelings. For example, if you hear the word “beautiful,” you might imagine a bright flower and feel good. But if you hear words like “curse” or “hate,” you might feel worried or scared.

Words are the key to creating our sense of reality through our belief system.

Now, it’s said that we talk to ourselves about 50,000 to 60,000 times a day. If our self-talk is positive, we build a positive belief system, and that creates a positive sense of reality. But if our self-talk is negative, it creates a negative belief system and a negative sense of reality.

So, how can we make the “now” feeling of ourselves moving toward our goal stronger?

The answer is to change our self-talk.

When I lost my website, at first I thought, “Maybe it’s impossible to fix it.” I searched online, and everything I read said that it was impossible to recover lost data. This made me feel very down.

But I had a goal, so I decided to change my self-talk to “There is definitely a way to recover it.”

By changing my self-talk, my sense of reality changed, and my actions changed too. I remembered an IT expert I hadn’t contacted in years, and he was able to fix the site for me!

I learned that changing self-talk can change reality. In coaching, too, it’s important to choose positive words that match the person moving toward their goal. Controlling self-talk is a powerful tool for achieving goals.

Here are three steps to change your self-talk:

  1. Notice negative words: Be aware of the negative self-talk you are using.
  2. Replace with positive words: Consciously change negative self-talk into positive words. Change “I can’t” to “I can,” and “It’s impossible” to “I’ll try.”
  3. Practice every day: Make positive self-talk a habit and keep your belief system and sense of reality positive.