


“I will write about what to do in the present moment based on goal setting.
Goal setting requires three things: a big goal, a goal that helps others, and a goal that comes from the heart.
Let’s imagine a goal where a woman who currently works part-time in cleaning becomes the president of a global food chain and solves the world’s food problems.
In this case, we can make a clear image of ourselves as we should be from the perspective of the big goal. Although it’s difficult to imagine the big goal itself, we can understand how we should be at the present moment based on that goal.
We can now see ourselves as having at least knowledge of cooking, being familiar with the numbers required for running a company and having an interest in food issues, although it may be a bit vague.
Since the new self is a president, our everyday language should be positive and polite.
As the saying goes, ‘The more successful you become, the more humble you should be.’
Although it’s not very clear, we can describe this ideal new self or self-image as ‘I know that the food I provide makes people smile and brings happiness. This is a mission given to me, and I am proud to fulfil it.’
Let’s recite these words we have described at least twice a day, such as before going to bed at night or when waking up in the morning, especially when our mind is a bit blank.
The more we recite them, the clearer the scene of ‘you offering homemade dishes to people close to you and seeing them smile’ will become, almost like a real memory. We call this a future memory.
To enhance the effect of future memory, recall the positive emotions you felt in past joyful experiences and attach only those emotions to the visual image.
The important point is that you should see the unfolding world from your own perspective, not from an outsider’s perspective.
As the future memory starts to take hold in your mind, the judgments you make unconsciously to make it happen will truly begin to change.
First, you will start noticing information about cooking classes that you didn’t pay much attention to before.
After a while, you might find yourself clicking the button to apply for a class.
Your subconscious mind will urge you to hurry and learn how to cook (laughs).
The same goes for business-related matters.
You will naturally be drawn to the business book section in bookstores.
You will develop an interest in fields such as accounting, bookkeeping, law, and human resources, which you may have thought were unrelated or a bit suspicious before.
You will also start taking an interest in business book authors whom you previously considered irrelevant or questionable.
You might even start buying newspapers like Nikkei at convenience stores or train stations.
If you don’t understand the content, you might buy guides on how to read Nikkei or business magazines like Nikkei Woman or President Woman.
Woman. Before you know it, you will become interested in daily topics such as the Nikkei Average and exchange rates. It’s only natural since you are the president.
By approaching how to spend the present moment correctly based on goal setting, you will be able to move towards your goals unconsciously, as if on autopilot.”