Goals setting (中学英語でコーチング)

Goals setting (中学英語でコーチング)

Why should we set our goals?

Goals setting enables you to change your life.

  ※S enable 人 to do,  Sは人がto do するのを可能にする 

Goals setting is a keyword for our coaching.

The goals should be set beyond your past timeline.

   should be set 設定されるべき

Many people try to set their goals from the past.

   try to do, do しようと試みる

For example, I did not graduate from a university, so the past makes me miserable.  

   graduated from 卒業した、miserable 惨めな

However, the past does not relate to your future goals.

   however けれども、relate to~と関係する 

You should set your goals from the future.

But you do not need to consider the past.

  do not need 必要はない、consider 考慮する

Your future goals enable you to change your life.

    ※S enable 人 to do,  Sは人がto do するのを可能にする